Some background ideas for a wedding invitation, the first one was chosen (my favorite). It's the cherry tree in front of our house, wich produces the best morello cherries ever. We eat cherry pie for weeks in summer!
Ein paar Ideen für den Hintergrund einer Hochzeitseinladung, der erste (mein Favorit) wurde ausgewählt. Der Kirschbaum macht die allerbesten Sauerkirschen und wir essen jeden Sommer wochenlang "Chirschichueche"!
I would have had a hard time choosing a favourite amongst them. Now I would like a huge slice of cherry pie please! Looking forward to viewing the finished invitation, lucky bride and groom to be.
YUM...cherry pie, love it!
AntwortenLöschenOh...I think my fave is also the first one.
The Cherry is wonderful in this one.
Thanks Lisa and Charlotte. I just can't stop thinking about cherry pie.
AntwortenLöschenStef, I have a GIVEAWAY for an original watercolour...one of mine:-)
AntwortenLöschenJust thought I'd share...
Ich finde Deine Arbeiten sooooo toll ! Berührend.
AntwortenLöschenDanke Susanne!